The members’ directory provides an up-to-date list of the names, affiliations and email addresses of all the members of the LCA, plus a link to their homepage when available.

Members can use the LCA mailing list to send useful content to other members:

446 total members
First Name : Alexis
Last Name : Ladreyt
Affiliation : Grenoble Alpes University, LIDILEM
First Name : Kangsheng
Last Name : Lai
Affiliation : St. Paul University
First Name : Melissa
Last Name : Larsen-Walker
Affiliation : University of South Florida and Hillsborough Community College
First Name : Garrett
Last Name : Larson
First Name : Tove
Last Name : Larsson
Affiliation : Northern Arizona University
First Name : Hege
Last Name : Larsson Aas
Affiliation : Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
First Name : Natalia Judith
Last Name : Laso
Affiliation : Universitat de Barcelona
First Name : Jesus
Last Name : Lasso Rey
First Name : Nhu
Last Name : Le
Affiliation : University of Ostrava
First Name : Elen
Last Name : Le Foll
Affiliation : University of Cologne
First Name : Jose
Last Name : Lema
Affiliation : University of Exeter
First Name : Agnieszka
Last Name : Leńko-Szymańska
Affiliation : Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw
First Name : Lisa
Last Name : Lenort
First Name : Yajie
Last Name : Li
Affiliation : Hiroshima University
First Name : Alizée
Last Name : Limani
Affiliation : UCLouvain
First Name : Ling
Last Name : Lin
Affiliation : Shanghai Jiao Tong University
First Name : Wuran
Last Name : Lin
Affiliation : University Toulouse Jean Jaurès
First Name : Therese
Last Name : Lindström Tiedemann
Affiliation : University of Helsinki
First Name : Ioanna
Last Name : Litsiou
Affiliation : Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
First Name : Leia
Last Name : Liu
Affiliation : University of Warwick
First Name : Ming
Last Name : Liu
Affiliation : University of Göttingen
First Name : Shuyuan
Last Name : Liu
Affiliation : Pennsylvania State University
First Name : Siyuan
Last Name : Liu
Affiliation : Universita di Bologna
First Name : Nobuo Ignacio
Last Name : Lopez Sako
Affiliation : University of Granada
First Name : Olga
Last Name : Lopopolo
Affiliation : University for Foreigners of Perugia/ Eurac Research
First Name : Eliane
Last Name : Lorenz
Affiliation : Justus Liebig Universität Giessen
First Name : Andrea
Last Name : Lösel
Affiliation : Leipzig University
First Name : Anke
Last Name : Lüdeling
Affiliation : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik
First Name : Julia
Last Name : Lukassek
Affiliation : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin