It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of Kari Tenfjord, Professor of Norwegian as a second language at the University of Bergen, who passed away on 4 October 2020. Kari was an active member of the learner corpus research community. She was the academic leader of the ASK Corpus, a learner corpus of Norwegian as a Second Language made up of writing from adult immigrant learners of Norwegian as a second language. Her research focused on the development and use of Norwegian as a second language, with a particular focus on crosslinguistic influence and a special emphasis on the acquisition of tense. In 2013 she organized the second Learner Corpus Research conference in Bergen. She brought meticulous care to organising the conference, and those who attended remember with great fondness the warm welcome she extended to each and every participant. She was a colleague who effortlessly combined scholarly excellence with natural modesty and great human warmth. Her kindness, her friendliness and her radiant smile will be sadly missed.