The members’ directory provides an up-to-date list of the names, affiliations and email addresses of all the members of the LCA, plus a link to their homepage when available.

Members can use the LCA mailing list to send useful content to other members:

446 total members
First Name : Ridwan
Last Name : Wahid
Affiliation : University of Malaya
First Name : Shujun
Last Name : Wan
Affiliation : Humboldt-University of Berlin
First Name : Tassja
Last Name : Weber
Affiliation : University of Mannheim
First Name : Helena
Last Name : Wedig
Affiliation : University of Antwerp
First Name : Valentin
Last Name : Werner
Affiliation : Bamberg University
First Name : Travis
Last Name : West
Affiliation : Rikkyo University
First Name : Patrick
Last Name : White
Affiliation : Oxford University Press
First Name : Leonie
Last Name : Wiemeyer
Affiliation : University of Bremen
First Name : Katrin
Last Name : Wisniewski
Affiliation : University of Leipzig